Saturday, October 20, 2007

Slideshows on SlideShare

HT to Kevin Dugan for suggesting we upload power point presentations on There is now one uploaded from Dr. Sprague, and expect more as they come!

As with the rest of the tags, search for UGAConnect07. Or just go to the username which is UGAConnect.

@Dr. Sweetser's Social Media students: the username and password are the same as our twitter account. There are several ways to upload the powerpoints. Go to "Upload" on the homepage after you log in and it is pretty much self explanatory. Do not fret if the slideshow doesn't show up right took about 30 minutes to convert the uploaded presentation for the first one I did.


Ashley BBZ said...

Look how we're using Twitter abbreviations (@socialmedia students ..)!


Lauren Groblewski said...

haha I know...I can't help it!