Saturday, October 20, 2007

Social Media Class

Constantin Basturea thinks a whole social media class would maybe be too much. Instead he suggested a form of social media "bootcamp", a weekend or two of 6 or 8 hour sessions to educate people about social media. He says the technology is easy to learn and use, it is just getting it out there for people to have access to.


Tolu O. said...

I like having a whole class focused on Social media. It becoming just as important as research and there is a whole class focused on that.

Besides, it is good to have people who are around you learning at the same time.

David Phillips said...

It is too big for a boot camp. Its 19 weeks of lectures and seminars and has to cover theory & practice. Last count there were 40 plaforms and 62 channels for coimmunication, giving rise to 32 student generated case studies. From psychology to access, landscaping, auditing, planning and management, risk assesement, implementation, monitoring, evaluating and reporting, crisis and client relationship (including expectations) are all topics.